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Did you get a new phone #? Please do the following.

1. Log out of the application.
2. Re-register with the new number, while registering, skip the email section (leave blank).
3. Come back to this page and submit the form, make note in the message field below what your old number was.
4. Our support staff will transfer all transaction history and points, then disable the old account.

RoadDog Rewards Support Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What can we help you with today?
Please select an option - This will help us route your request to the appropriate team member.
Please give as much detail as possible so we may assist you and resolve your problem. Reward issues and Redemption issues must be accompanied by a receipt showing the purchase, store #, date and time. You can attach the receipt below.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Attach a screenshot of your receipt (try to include all details of the purchase, store name and date/time. If this is an app issue or error try to screen capture the message and upload it here.